
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Remember me?

And I'm back. I've got to get better about doing this. Seriously its almost been a year! Holy cow. Not much changes at all in a year, right? hah! Oops. I feel like I start almost all of my posts with an apology. ;)

Mary is now 2 yrs and 4 months old and is a full throttle 2 yr old. She's talking non-stop, bossing non-stop, asking "what are you doing /where are you going / whats that...." non-stop, and seriously the sweetest little GIRL (notice no longer a baby) I've ever known (i'm only partially biased... ;) ). She got her first haircut about 6 wks ago -- cut about 6" off and now she's sporting a summer bob hairdo, she's finally starting leaving her binkie and blankie in her bed unless its bedtime like a "big girl", and she's about to start 2 days a week of school. Growing up WAY too fast. However, potty training is still something not even on HER (its on ours) horizon. sigh.

I wont even try to catch you on the past entire almost year I've not blogged but its been a very busy and fun year. Hubs is about to finally graduate with his MBA on Aug 10th and then we will finally have daddy home at night again! Yay!! I became an aunt again...my sweet niece Margaret Clare Gaffney was born on March 1, 2011 and is the chunkiest and sweetest little baby you'll ever meet. Mary loves "baby Clare"....truth be told we all love her!

I am honestly going to try to post more often than every year. I will leave you with some of my fav photos / memories from this past year! (omg...cant believe its almost been this long since I've been on here)..... XOXO..my one follower! :)

Cheers till next time!