
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yah so I lied...

So remember when I said that I would try to post a new blog every week? Yah well, I lied. So here I am over 2 weeks later and I ask for forgiveness. I will try to be better. As mary would say, "sowy".

Big events the past 2 weeks:

1.Labor day weekend consisted of our first trip to the zoo, first carousel ride, and our first trip to Chuck E Cheese -- all of which were a success!

2.Marys 2nd week of school was awesome! According to her report card was in a good mood, TOOK A NAP ON HER NAP MAT!!, and ate her lunch & snacks! YAY Mary!!!

3. We went to the Plano Balloon Festival which was an epic FAILURE. It was hot, steamy, humid and all that is miserable about Texas. We were late and missed the launch of hot air balloons and it was just an overall not fun experience. yuck.

4. Mary started "daddy & me" swimming lessons and so far so good. Daddy is quite frustrated that she is not "kicking when told to kick" but she has made great progress in just 2 weeks.

5. Mary is really starting to talk a lot. I love it and its precious. What is the total heart melter is when she says, "amen" it sounds more like "A.M" but its adorable. She is a little parrot now and repeating more than I'd like her to... ;). She also answers "No" to literally every question you ask her. Ask her if she loves mommy/daddy/ or anything and she replies "no". I'm working on teaching her YES!

6. Monsters Inc is our new addiction. We have watched Monsters Inc about 999999 time lately. She will say, "Roar??" meaning she'd like to watch it and I'm a sucker to a cute kid who says, "Roar? PLEASE!". I mean - who wouldn't put in the movie. After all its a guaranteed 90 mins of uninterrupted cleaning or FB stalking! ;)

In other "the life of a housewife" news - aka - Werking Mama complains....

1. Our garage door completely broke. Like it is seriously at a 45 degree angle and feel off the tracks out of nowhere. It looks awful. We look so WT its ridic. My car was stuck in there for a bit but luckily my husband was able to pry the door open long enough to get my car out. Praise Jesus. Now, why does this stuff happen? Its like right when you think you have a break in things breaking something BREAKS! ugh. So on my "free day" (5 hours tomorrow while Mary is at school) I will be sitting at home waiting on garage repair ($$$$). lovely, huh?

2. I'm feeling like a complete whale these days. I had a c-section with Mary and my tummy has not been the same since, but seriously, it CAN be better than it is now. God I hope. I must start running again. I love running when I'm in the swing of it, but once I get out of the swing I HATE getting back into it. Its like I completely forgot how to run and I look horrid out there and start cramping just 5 mins into my run. So stay tuned and please keep me accountable. I will start running again. I hate the way I look and I'm 100% to blame for my crappy eating habits and total lack of exercise. I will eat better and not drink 3 million bottles of wine a week. Well no promises on the wine... ;)

3. I hate football season and fantasy football. i'm totally 3rd fiddle during this season....Mary being 2nd fiddle. It sucks. But I cant complain too much b/c its some time for me to veg in our room w/ my laptop, cocktail, and remote control (this image = me right now) and have a few minutes of alone time. Bliss!!

I think that I have caught you up to speed and my cocktail is empty! Till next time! Cheers!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WE surived!

Yes, WE survived bc I'm pretty sure I was the only mommy in the hallway sobbing my eyes out after dropping off their kid to ONE DAY A WEEK mothers day out! Geesh...seriously, what is wrong with me?!

Aside from not eating her lunch or taking a nap (no big surprise on either of those) her teachers said she was great! When I went in to the classroom to pick her up it took her a good minute to even realize I was there because she was so entranced with all the new toys. I was expecting a much more theatrical "hi mommy" but I really didnt get that, I got more of a "oh yah....mommy I had sort of forgotten about you". Thats okay I'm just so glad we made it through the entire 5 hours without one phone call saying "your daughter is hysterical please come get her". So we will chalk this experience as a SUCCESS!

You may wonder what I did with my 5 hours of free time?? We walked out the doors to the school and my sister and I looked at each other and asked, "now what?" We were clueless. So after a quick trip to the grocery store we were off for a yummy lunch with my parents at Toulouse Cafe in Dallas where we toasted with champagne (and water...my sister is pregnant) to a lunch with no kids!!! Whoo hoo!!

Cant wait for next time, lets hope its just as successful!

Didnt get any pictures of her at the actual school due to being an overly emotional and attached mommy but her are some of her after wards. The name tag was hysterical to me...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Its a school night!

Tonights the night -- its our first "school night" as parents. I just packed her lunch & snacks, rolled up a nap mat, put diapers & and clothes in a backpack, and labeled our sweet girls name on every article of everything we are sending to mothers day out tomorrow (her daddy just had to write her a note on her lunchbox...see pic below). The entire time I was doing my mommy chores I was thinking "seriously? why am I doing this? she's only 17 months!!!". Part of me wants to hold her so close and not allow her to grow up but the other part of me knows that this is the best thing I can do for her. I know that the social development, independence from mommy & familiarity, and being one of a "team" or group will be invaluable to her. Lets not get too carried away here, its only 1 day a week for 5 hours total....baby steps. MAYBE next year I'll let her go for 2 days a week....maybe. ;) I'll do my best to post the pictures of the hysterical mommy and the happy toddler after her first day of Mothers Day Out.

ps. the play room is coming along - the pool table is gone, the toys have moved in, and the sofa is purchased and being delivered tomorrow. Will post pics ASAP but for now I gotta go get some rest for our big day tomorrow!
Wish us luck and say a prayer that all goes well.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Man cave to play room = we are officially parents.

Yesterday we (notice the "we" because it was a mutual decision) sold our pool table. We had the total game room - dart board, pool table, pub table & chairs, etc. This room was where we used to hang out on weekends with friends. Well -- times have changed. clearly. friends coming over to hang out is a distant memory (we dis-like this fact) and the pool table turned into a place where I throw my diaper bag, a high place to put things I dont want Mary to get, and most recently our dogs favorite place to take a nap. (we have an english bulldog...how she jumps up onto there we have yet to figure out but she has been caught multiple times sound asleep.)

The old man cave is now being re-vamped into a play room for Mary. She currently only has about 3 ft of play space in our living room which is in the same corner as our wet bar....this is very inconvenient for mommy and daddy when Mary has gone to bed b/c its a major tripping hazard to pour our cocktails! ;) I am so excited to give her a big and open space to play!

I am now shopping for a sofa for our new play room and I'm thinking I'll finally make my first, and i hate to even admit this out loud b/c of my previous hatred towards this place, purchase at IKEA. IKEA is the most insane place ever, I get serious anxiety walking into there. I feel like a hamster. BUT they have some great things for our play room. Here is what I'm thinking...

Big comfy couch along the back wall, a little table & chairs for her to sit at and color, then a place to put her toys in somewhat of an organized fashion. We will also put a "cartoon" tv in there and some lamps, rugs, throw pillows, fun artwork. I want this room to be Marys little retreat and play space, somewhere where she will bring all of her friends over and they can play without being in my living room! ;)
(oh and side note: the only items pictured above from IKEA is the sofa & table, the bookcase is from PBKids....I'm dreaming about getting that book case but I doubt that the hubby will go for it..its rather $$$ and I'm sure IKEA has a look alike for about $ that i've yet to find in the hamster maze).

So - thats my latest "project". Stay tuned for final pictures. I'm still waiting on the pool table to get on outta here... the movers come to take it its new home tomorrow at 7am!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

17 months too late?

I feel like this blog is 17 months overdue or actually 26 months overdue (9 months of pregnancy + 17 months of Marys life). I've always followed blogs of others, some strangers, and thought to self that I should really be blogging the events of my life as a stay at home mom with a wild and crazy daughter, Mary. SO - here it goes.

A little background: I am 26 but look like I'm 12 - I have to prove my age literally every single day of my life either through an ID when I'm purchasing my saving grace, wine, or through random strangers asking "is that YOUR daughter" as they stare at me with their judgment...and I always reply "Yes, I'm 26, married for 4 yrs, graduated college, used to have a career, etc". I really just need a necklace w/ my age on it. See how my 1 sentence I say to strangers sums up my life? I am married to an incredible guy, he sells elevators....I know, I know...I hear that all the time...elevators?? Yes. He likes to say, "it has its ups and downs". He thinks he's hilarious. He is. He is also in grad school getting his MBA. I'm sure you will hear a lot about his MBA and the time commitments throughout this blog...stay tuned....to hear me gripe on nights that he's in class and I've had the toddler all day. We have an amazing daughter, Mary who is our pride and joy (what child isnt their parents pride and joy?). She is loud, independent, beautiful, crazy, and the sweetest baby ever. I love her to pieces. Does she nap consistently - no. Does she behave like an angel always - HECK no. Does she eat her veggies - never. Is she 17 months old and still drinking her milk from a bottle, attached to her pacifier & blanket (referred to as her "night night"), and screams if anyone tries to touch her aside from me or her daddy - ohhh yes.

I am a stay at home mom and have been since the day she was born. I used to work at a marketing company and hated it. I always knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom and I truly believe this is that path that God has paved for me. I am ever so grateful for my husband for who has never once second guessed, questioned, or suggested I do otherwise. There are some days that I wish I could go back to my little gray cubicle and sit in peace and quiet, take long lunches, and get showered and dressed each morning. Yes - getting showered and dressed is a big undertaking for me with Mary. I love being at home with Mary even if it means I have syrup in my hair before 8am, have poop up to my elbows (it has happened), and have days where all my "boss" does is scream at me and regardless of what I do. I love it. seriously.

Okay so I'll save the rest for the regular blogging but dont expect too much outta me. I'm setting my goals rather low for 1 update a week....if I do it more...it means Mary has been napping or I'm in a good mood. Brace yourself for the good times, bad times, beauty, and horror of being The Werking Mom!