
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yah so I lied...

So remember when I said that I would try to post a new blog every week? Yah well, I lied. So here I am over 2 weeks later and I ask for forgiveness. I will try to be better. As mary would say, "sowy".

Big events the past 2 weeks:

1.Labor day weekend consisted of our first trip to the zoo, first carousel ride, and our first trip to Chuck E Cheese -- all of which were a success!

2.Marys 2nd week of school was awesome! According to her report card was in a good mood, TOOK A NAP ON HER NAP MAT!!, and ate her lunch & snacks! YAY Mary!!!

3. We went to the Plano Balloon Festival which was an epic FAILURE. It was hot, steamy, humid and all that is miserable about Texas. We were late and missed the launch of hot air balloons and it was just an overall not fun experience. yuck.

4. Mary started "daddy & me" swimming lessons and so far so good. Daddy is quite frustrated that she is not "kicking when told to kick" but she has made great progress in just 2 weeks.

5. Mary is really starting to talk a lot. I love it and its precious. What is the total heart melter is when she says, "amen" it sounds more like "A.M" but its adorable. She is a little parrot now and repeating more than I'd like her to... ;). She also answers "No" to literally every question you ask her. Ask her if she loves mommy/daddy/ or anything and she replies "no". I'm working on teaching her YES!

6. Monsters Inc is our new addiction. We have watched Monsters Inc about 999999 time lately. She will say, "Roar??" meaning she'd like to watch it and I'm a sucker to a cute kid who says, "Roar? PLEASE!". I mean - who wouldn't put in the movie. After all its a guaranteed 90 mins of uninterrupted cleaning or FB stalking! ;)

In other "the life of a housewife" news - aka - Werking Mama complains....

1. Our garage door completely broke. Like it is seriously at a 45 degree angle and feel off the tracks out of nowhere. It looks awful. We look so WT its ridic. My car was stuck in there for a bit but luckily my husband was able to pry the door open long enough to get my car out. Praise Jesus. Now, why does this stuff happen? Its like right when you think you have a break in things breaking something BREAKS! ugh. So on my "free day" (5 hours tomorrow while Mary is at school) I will be sitting at home waiting on garage repair ($$$$). lovely, huh?

2. I'm feeling like a complete whale these days. I had a c-section with Mary and my tummy has not been the same since, but seriously, it CAN be better than it is now. God I hope. I must start running again. I love running when I'm in the swing of it, but once I get out of the swing I HATE getting back into it. Its like I completely forgot how to run and I look horrid out there and start cramping just 5 mins into my run. So stay tuned and please keep me accountable. I will start running again. I hate the way I look and I'm 100% to blame for my crappy eating habits and total lack of exercise. I will eat better and not drink 3 million bottles of wine a week. Well no promises on the wine... ;)

3. I hate football season and fantasy football. i'm totally 3rd fiddle during this season....Mary being 2nd fiddle. It sucks. But I cant complain too much b/c its some time for me to veg in our room w/ my laptop, cocktail, and remote control (this image = me right now) and have a few minutes of alone time. Bliss!!

I think that I have caught you up to speed and my cocktail is empty! Till next time! Cheers!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WE surived!

Yes, WE survived bc I'm pretty sure I was the only mommy in the hallway sobbing my eyes out after dropping off their kid to ONE DAY A WEEK mothers day out! Geesh...seriously, what is wrong with me?!

Aside from not eating her lunch or taking a nap (no big surprise on either of those) her teachers said she was great! When I went in to the classroom to pick her up it took her a good minute to even realize I was there because she was so entranced with all the new toys. I was expecting a much more theatrical "hi mommy" but I really didnt get that, I got more of a "oh yah....mommy I had sort of forgotten about you". Thats okay I'm just so glad we made it through the entire 5 hours without one phone call saying "your daughter is hysterical please come get her". So we will chalk this experience as a SUCCESS!

You may wonder what I did with my 5 hours of free time?? We walked out the doors to the school and my sister and I looked at each other and asked, "now what?" We were clueless. So after a quick trip to the grocery store we were off for a yummy lunch with my parents at Toulouse Cafe in Dallas where we toasted with champagne (and water...my sister is pregnant) to a lunch with no kids!!! Whoo hoo!!

Cant wait for next time, lets hope its just as successful!

Didnt get any pictures of her at the actual school due to being an overly emotional and attached mommy but her are some of her after wards. The name tag was hysterical to me...